Collage of photo rolls in different colors Collage of photo rolls in different colors Collage of photo rolls in different colors
Collage of photo rolls in different colors Collage of photo rolls in different colors Collage of photo rolls in different colors
rolls app icon


Taking Photos. Together.

Rolls is a Collaborative Camera App for taking photos together with your friends and family.

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Capture Memories Together

Rolls lets you take photos with friends and family in a fun, collaborative way. Each roll is like a shared photo album where everyone contributes.

Unique Photo Challenges

There are several types of rolls, each with its own game mechanics, adding a twist to your photo sessions. Enjoy themed prompts or timed challenges for a new way to capture moments.

Multiple Rolls, Endless Fun

Play multiple rolls simultaneously, experimenting with different game mechanics and various friend and family groups.

Different Roll Types with unique game mechanics add a twist to your photo sessions.

image of inspiration roll

Inspiration Roll

This roll provides you and your friends with a new inspiration every week in the form of a concrete or abstract idea. Interpret the idea and take photos. It's up to you what you make of it!

Game Mechanic

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Each Week a new Inspiration

Each weeks inspiration comes in the form of a word or a short sentence. The ideas can range anywhere from concrete to abstract. Keep the idea in mind in your daily life and take a photo when you find a motive that matches the idea.

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One Week to Submit

Once a new inspiration is revealed the photographers have one week to submit their photos. You can choose on which weekday and time one round ends and the next begins.

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Collective Reveal

At the end of each round all your photos are revealed. See how the others interpreted the idea. Shortly after the reveal a new round starts. Get ready for the next inspiration!

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Endless Inspiration

This Roll has no end date and keeps on rolling round for round, inspiration for inspiration.

image of event roll

Event Roll

This roll is the perfect companion for your group event. Each participant can take photos from their unique perspective. All your perspectives are united in one roll to truly capture the spirit of your event. Only at the end of the event the photos will be revealed.

Game Mechanic

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birthday icon

One Event, Many Perspectives

Capture your event from the perspectives of all it’s participants. What one might miss, the other spots.

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Custom Start and End Date

You can choose a custom start and end date for your event. A few hours to multiple weeks – however long it may take.

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Number of Photos per Photographer

You can choose how many photos each photographer can take. To stay focused on what really matters each photographer can take a maximum of 12 photos per day.

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Delayed Reveal

After the event you can add a delay before the photos are revealed. This creates anticipation and makes the reveal even more surprising.

image of event roll


This roll is your daily companion. Every day at a random time you and your friends have 15 minutes to take a spontaneous photo. Be ready for the next round and capture your everyday live – photo by photo!

Game Mechanic

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A Photo a Day

Most photos are posed. This roll lets you share your life with friends, especially the moments you might not have deliberately chosen.

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Random 15 min Timeslot

Every day you and your friends will get a notification at a random time. You then have a 15 min timeslot to take a photo.

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Collective Reveal

At the end of each timeslot all photos are revealed. See what your friends are up to.

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Live goes on and on...

This Roll has no end date and keeps on rolling round for round, day for day.

More Rolls coming soon ...

We will be adding new Rolls with exciting game mechanics soon. Also feel free to suggest Roll ideas of your own.

more Rolls coming soon

Play Multiple Rolls simultaneously and try out different game mechanics with various friends and family groups.

“Feeling Blue”
image of inspiration roll
photo of a crane in blue light
photo of a blue neon sign of a bar in madrid
photo of planes wing taken out of the window
photo of a man on a sail boat
photo of a yellow art installation in a blue room
photo of blue shoes
photo of a sail boat
photo of a jazz club with blue light
photo of a pond in front of a museum
MELT Festival 2024
image of event roll
photo of people walking on a path in nature
photo of a crane in red light
photo of tents on a camping ground
photo of a coffee and croissant ina camping chair
photo of a concert of paula hartmann
photo of a red tent
photo of a crowd in front of a bar
photo of a bus
photo of seats inside a train
Friday Jul 19, 2024 · 3:59 PM
image of b-roll
photo of a train station in Leipzig
photo of a football arena in Stuttgart
photo of a pasta casserole
photo of a beer bottle in a shoe on the beach
photo of a alpine lake in front of mountains
photo of a bento box
photo of a cat on a green camping chair
photo of people in front of painting
photo of people in a car